A Discussion with Jody Clark

A conversation with Jody Clark

For the third time, British master of coin design Jody Clark has reworked the classical St George and the dragon design for us here at Hattons of London, featuring on our latest release; The 2023 Prince George’s 10th Birthday Gold Sovereign Range.

The tale of St George has a long association with the monarch, and also with the gold sovereign coin series. We spoke with Jody Clark about what it was like to create this new rendition of St George slaying the dragon…

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The 2023 Prince George 10th Birthday Gold Sovereign Range

Prince George 10th Birthday Range

This is an incredibly significant year in British history: not only have they celebrated the coronation of a new monarch, the first in over seventy years, but they also celebrate the milestone 10th birthday of HRH Prince George, second in line to the throne and grandson of King Charles III! Prince George of Wales is the future of Britain’s monarchy and we are starting to see more of him, and get to know his cheeky personality, at major royal events.

A new series of sovereign coins has been produced to celebrate Prince George’s 10th birthday. These are the first ten-sided sovereign coins ever, in tribute to the young prince’s 10th birthday. This is more technically demanding than the usual circular shape, taking skill and precision to achieve, and this unique feature is a world-first on gold sovereign coins. Introducing the 2023 Prince George 10th Birthday Gold Sovereign Range, and in particular, the one-eighth sovereign…

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The 2023 King Charles III Coronation Double Portrait Gold Sovereign Range

On Saturday 6th May, we are to bear witness to an event that has not been seen since 1937: the coronation of Britain’s new king, Charles III, and of his wife Camilla, as queen. The crowning of a new British monarch is an event that most of us will only ever see once. We now know that at the ceremony, we will see not only the crowning of King Charles III but also that of his wife who shall henceforth become known as Queen Camilla. This change to her titles is a sign of the deep affection the king has for the woman who is by his side.

Some truly exceptional coins had been proposed for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla. They feature portraits of both the King and his new Queen, but given how rarely permission has ever been granted for multiple portraits on gold sovereigns, we did not hold out much hope. Now, we are delighted, if even a little shocked, that these coins have indeed been approved by Buckingham Palace! Introducing the 2023 King Charles III Coronation Double Portrait Gold Sovereign Range, and in particular, the one-eighth sovereign…

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The 2023 King Charles III Accession Sovereign Range

This is a great moment in British history: they have a new monarch (King Charles III) for the first time in over seventy years, and their first king since the mid-twentieth century. There are generations alive today for whom this will be the first time they have uttered the words “God save the king”. In this day-and-age of instant news it’s easy to gloss over just how significant this event is: the last time there was a change of monarch in Britain, the average house price was just under £1,900, wartime rationing was still in place, a pint of beer cost 9p, a pint of milk 4p, and only 8% of households had a fridge. Gold was just over £12 per ounce!

Another exciting first for Britain’s new king’s reign: for the first time in over 200 years of gold sovereign history the accession of a monarch has been commemorated by the striking of commemorative gold sovereign coins. Introducing The 2023 King Charles III Accession Sovereign Range, and in particular, the one-eighth sovereign…

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Q&A with Coin Designer Jody Clark

Q&A with coin designer Jody Clark

The 2023 King Charles III Greatest Monarchs Gold Sovereign Series features a portrait of King Charles III by artist Jody Clark. Jody Clark also designed the Fifth (and final) Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II which appeared on all of her British coinage from mid-2015 to last year.

Jody has created some incredible designs for Hattons of London, so we decided to speak to him about his creative journey and what it was like to design this important gold sovereign ‘first’ series. Here is what he had to say….

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