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Home » New Strike » The 12 Greatest Sovereigns
We have identified what we would classify as the 12 greatest sovereigns; the most historically significant and interesting sovereign coins, from 200 years of the gold sovereign. We have identified the coins that make assembling a collection much more achievable; by focusing on those that stand apart, rather than the most expensive or one from every date.
The below sovereigns offer a fascinating and deep delve look into the last 200 years of British history and coinage, recording some of the most important moments in the history of the world’s greatest gold coin; the Sovereign. Looking back from King George V and the Bombay Mint of 1918, to Queen Elizabeth II Gold sovereign of 1989. View the Hattons of London 12 Greatest Sovereigns below, or read the full book here
Showing all 7 results
Showing all 7 results