Catherine, Princess of Wales: Philanthropy and Royal Patronage

Delve into the dedicated world of Princess Catherine’s royal patronage. From her influential work in early childhood development and mental health advocacy to her support for the arts and sports, learn how the Princess of Wales is shaping public service and charitable efforts across the UK.

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Recent News and Appearance at Trooping the Colour 2024

Catherine, Princess of Wales, continues to capture the public’s admiration with her grace and dedication to royal duties. Recently, she made a stunning appearance at the Trooping the Colour 2024, an event that marks the official birthday of the British Sovereign.

Dressed in a striking ensemble that blended traditional elegance with modern sophistication, Princess Catherine’s presence was a highlight of the celebration. Her participation in this historic event underscores her selflessness and commitment to upholding Royal traditions.

View our collection of celebratory sovereigns for the King’s official birthday

In celebration of the recent Trooping the Colour ceremony, we are delighted to present our exclusive range of commemorative sovereigns. These exquisite pieces, crafted in homage to the King’s official birthday, offer a lasting tribute to our cherished royal traditions.

Explore our full range of King Charles commemorative coins here.

Princess Kate’s Royal Patronage: Key Focus Areas

Princess Catherine has devoted much of her public life to charitable causes, championing numerous initiatives through her royal patronages. Her efforts span several key areas, including early childhood support, mental health, sports and the outdoors, and arts and culture. Each of these areas reflects her deep commitment to improving the lives of the British people.

Early Childhood Support

‘5 Big Questions on the Under Fives’

One of Princess Catherine’s most notable initiatives is the ‘5 Big Questions on the Under Fives’ survey, launched in 2020. This nationwide survey sought insights from parents, caregivers, and early years professionals on raising young children. The results highlighted the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping a child’s future and provided valuable data to inform future policy and practice in early childhood development.

The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood

In 2021, Princess Catherine further solidified her commitment to early childhood by establishing The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. This centre aims to drive awareness and action on the extraordinary impact of the early years, providing resources, conducting research, and advocating for the importance of nurturing environments for children. By focusing on the critical period from pregnancy to the age of five, the centre seeks to transform society’s understanding and support of early childhood development.

The 2023 ‘Shaping Us’ Campaign

The ‘Shaping Us’ campaign, launched in 2023, is another significant milestone in Princess Catherine’s work in early childhood support. This initiative focuses on the profound impact of early experiences on lifelong outcomes. 

Through public engagements, educational materials, and collaborations with experts, the campaign aims to build a broader understanding of how nurturing relationships and environments in the early years can shape the future well-being and success of children.

Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health: Exploring our Emotional Worlds

Mental health has been a central theme in Princess Catherine’s philanthropic endeavours. She has been particularly passionate about children’s mental health, recognising the importance of addressing emotional well-being from a young age. Her involvement in initiatives like ‘Exploring our Emotional Worlds’ highlights the need for open conversations and support systems to help children navigate their emotions and build resilience.

The ‘Heads Together’ Campaign

The ‘Heads Together’ campaign, spearheaded by The Royal Foundation, is one of the most high-profile mental health initiatives that Princess Catherine has supported. Launched in 2016, this campaign aimed to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health by encouraging open conversations and promoting the importance of mental well-being. The campaign brought together a coalition of mental health charities and used powerful public messaging to change attitudes and provide support.

Mentally Healthy Schools and Mental Health at Work Initiatives

Princess Catherine has also championed the Mentally Healthy Schools initiative, which provides primary schools with free resources to support the mental health of their pupils. This initiative aims to give children the tools to understand and manage their emotions, fostering a supportive and inclusive school environment.

In addition to her work with schools, Princess Catherine has supported the Mental Health at Work initiative, which focuses on creating mentally healthy workplaces. This program offers resources and training to help employers and employees prioritise mental health, promoting a culture of openness and support.

Shout 85258

Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging service for anyone in crisis, which Princess Catherine has been instrumental in supporting. Launched as part of the Heads Together campaign, this service provides immediate help to individuals struggling with their mental health, offering a lifeline for those in urgent need of support.

Sport and the Outdoors

2019 ‘Back to Nature’ RHS Chelsea Flower Show Gardens

Princess Catherine’s passion for the outdoors and its benefits for mental and physical well-being was beautifully showcased in the ‘Back to Nature’ garden at the 2019 RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Co-designed by Princess Catherine, this garden aimed to highlight the importance of nature in childhood development and encourage families to spend time outdoors. The garden featured a treehouse, a stream, and a variety of plants and trees, creating a natural playground that inspired imagination and exploration.

‘Back to Nature’ Play Garden at RHS Wisley

Following the success of the Chelsea Flower Show, the ‘Back to Nature’ play garden was permanently installed at RHS Wisley. This garden continues to provide a space for children and families to connect with nature, promoting the benefits of outdoor play and exploration. It serves as a lasting legacy of Princess Catherine’s dedication to encouraging healthy, active lifestyles.

Royal Patronage of SportsAid

Princess Catherine’s support for young athletes is evident through her patronage of SportsAid, an organisation that helps aspiring athletes achieve their potential. By providing financial support, recognition, and personal development opportunities, SportsAid helps young sportspeople from diverse backgrounds succeed in their chosen fields. Princess Catherine’s involvement underscores her belief in the power of sports to transform lives and build character.

Royal Patronage of The England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

As the royal patron of The England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Princess Catherine plays an active role in supporting and promoting tennis. Her love for the sport is well-documented, and her presence at key events like Wimbledon highlights her dedication to encouraging participation and excellence in tennis.

Royal Patronage of The Lawn Tennis Association

In addition to her role with The England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Princess Catherine also serves as the patron of The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). The LTA is the national governing body for tennis in Great Britain, and Princess Catherine’s patronage helps raise the profile of the sport and supports initiatives to make tennis accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Royal Patronage of the Rugby Football League & Football Union

Princess Catherine’s commitment to sports extends to rugby, where she serves as the patron of both the Rugby Football League and the Rugby Football Union. Her involvement in these organisations reflects her appreciation for the values of teamwork, discipline, and resilience that rugby promotes. By supporting rugby at all levels, Princess Catherine helps to inspire the next generation of players and fans.

The 1851 Trust

The 1851 Trust, of which Princess Catherine is a patron, aims to inspire young people through sailing and maritime activities. The trust provides educational resources and hands-on experiences to engage young people with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, using sailing as a unique and exciting context. Princess Catherine’s patronage highlights her commitment to education and her belief in the power of experiential learning.

Arts & Culture

Princess of Wales’ Photography and Patronage of the Royal Photographic Society

Princess Catherine’s passion for photography is well-known, and she has used her skills to capture significant moments in royal life. As the patron of the Royal Photographic Society, she supports the art and practice of photography, encouraging both professional and amateur photographers to develop their talents. Her photographs, often of her family and charitable work, provide a personal and authentic glimpse into her life and interests.

The 2020 COVID-19 ‘Hold Still’ Campaign

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Princess Catherine launched the ‘Hold Still’ campaign in collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery. This community photography project invited people across the UK to submit images that captured the spirit, mood, hopes, and fears of the nation during the lockdown. The resulting virtual exhibition showcased a powerful and moving portrait of life during the pandemic, highlighting the resilience and solidarity of the British people.

Royal Patronage of the National Portrait Gallery and the V&A

In addition to her work with the Royal Photographic Society, Princess Catherine is the patron of the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). These prestigious institutions play a crucial role in preserving and promoting the arts and culture in the UK. Princess Catherine’s patronage supports their efforts to make art accessible to all and to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the nation.


Catherine, Princess of Wales, embodies the values of compassion, dedication, and service. Through her numerous patronages and initiatives, she has made significant contributions to early childhood support, mental health, sports and the outdoors, and arts and culture. Her work continues to inspire and impact countless lives, reflecting her commitment to making a positive difference in society.

A trace of rare Welsh gold in gold coin ‘firsts’ for the new Prince & Princess of Wales

In celebration of the ongoing contributions of the Prince and Princess of Wales, we invite you to explore our 2023 Prince and Princess of Wales Gold Prestige Sovereign Set. For the first time in over 200 years of gold sovereign history, coins have been minted from 22 carat gold that includes a trace amount of rare Welsh gold in the mixture. Gold sourced from the mines in Wales is highly prized, and very rare, and it has a long and proud association with the Royal Family.

These new Prince & Princess of Wales sovereign coins are of great significance as this is the very first time that sovereign coins have incorporated rare Welsh gold in the minting process. Welsh gold is so rare that only tiny quantities are used in the gold mixture when crafting gold items. Although these coins include only a trace amount (less than 1%) it is the fact that Welsh gold is included that is significant.

The one-eighth sovereign and sovereign are special as they are the first gold coins to depict both the new Prince, and Princess, of Wales. Catherine is only the second Princess of Wales in history to be celebrated on a gold sovereign coin, the first being William’s mother, Diana, some years ago. The half sovereign and quarter sovereign are special too as they are in tribute only to Prince William. This creates two very special coins as with his father King Charles III on the other side they are the first of their kind ever to depict a reigning British king and his heir on either side of the same coin.

Explore the exclusive prestige set HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main focus areas of Princess Catherine’s patronage?

Princess Catherine’s royal patronage primarily focuses on early childhood development, mental health advocacy, sports and outdoor activities, and arts and culture. She actively supports initiatives that promote public awareness, improve mental health, encourage sports participation, and celebrate the arts.

How has Princess Catherine influenced mental health awareness in the UK?

Through her involvement in campaigns like ‘Heads Together’ and ‘Shout 85258’, Princess Catherine has played a pivotal role in destigmatising mental health issues in the UK. Her efforts have increased public dialogue about mental health, encouraged educational programs, and provided vital support services.

What was Princess Catherine’s involvement in the 'Back to Nature' gardens?

Princess Catherine co-designed the ‘Back to Nature’ garden for the 2019 RHS Chelsea Flower Show to encourage families and children to spend more time outdoors. Following its success, a permanent version was established at RHS Wisley, highlighting the importance of outdoor play in children’s physical and mental development.

What impact has Princess Catherine's patronage had on the charities she supports?

Princess Catherine’s patronage has significantly boosted the visibility and fundraising capabilities of the charities she supports. Her active involvement has not only raised public awareness but also led to increased donations and support for these organisations, helping them expand their reach and impact on various social issues.